Low Country Chapter History
The Low Country Chapter of the American Guild of Organists was formed in October of 1999 and granted a charter in November of 1999.
Charter Members:
Dr. W. Raymond Ackerman, Beth Corry, Dr. Charles Farley, Linda Hamilton, Mary Ingrassia, Robert D. C. Long, Byran Masson, Betty J. Purdy, Stanley Purdy, Gary R. Rakestraw, Nina Rodman.
Organists, choral directors, clergy, and those with a love of the organ, are encouraged to join as full members. Others with a general interest in sacred choral music and organ literature are most welcome to support our programs by becoming a ‘Friend of the Chapter’: ‘Friends’ receive all chapter mailings, information, and invitations to all chapter events.
In addition to programs to improve the conducting and playing skills of our members, our chapter also sponsors recitals, concerts and special programs for the public.
LCCAGO 20th Anniversary Celebration