January 2021
John Peragallo from St. Patricks, NYC
Supplemental Videos
February 2021
Dr. Pamela Kane - Lecture on Firmin Swinnen
Powerpoint: https://drive.google.com/.../1-4EFOd97ANySXlIPtuL.../view...
Supplemental Videos
Pamela Kane Plays Scenic Organ Music of Firmin Swinnen (contains 3 Swinnen arrangements for cinema and Longwood Sketches, first half of Movement 1: “In the Shade of the Old Trees”)
Pamela Kane Plays Scenic Organ Music of Firmin Swinnen (contains Longwood Sketches, second half of Movement 1: “In the Shade of the Old Trees,” Movement 2: “Rosebuds,” Movement 3: “Dewdrops,” & first 3 minutes of Movement 4: “Sunshine”)
Pamela Kane Plays Scenic Organ Music of Firmin Swinnen (contains Longwood Sketches, part 2 of Movement 4: “Sunshine”)
Swinnen “Storm” Improvisation recording:
Swinnen “Storm” Improvisation analysis:
More on Firmin Swinnen”
Pedal Cadenza by Firmin Swinnen for Widor’s Symphony V, Allegro Vivace